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Lexique multilingue de la vigne et du vin
Eric Glatre
- Dunod
- Hors Collection
- 17 Mai 2019
- 9782100800353
Ce lexique multilingue est un recueil de plus de 8 000 termes français traduits en cinq langues : anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien et portugais.
Entièrement dédié au domaine de la vigne et du vin, il traite de climatologie, de géographie, de géologie, de botanique, de viticulture, d'oenologie, de vinification ou encore de dégustation.
Il constitue un outil de travail incontournable pour tous les étudiants et professionnels de la filière : chercheurs, viticulteurs, oenologues, journalistes, sommeliers...
Les orchidées de Madagascar / orchids of Madagascar
Jean Bosser, Marcel Lecoufle
- 1 Décembre 2014
- 9782366620474
Cet ouvrage sur les orchidées de Madagascar bilingue français/anglais est appelé à devenir une référence.
Plus de 400 espèces sont présentées et illustrées de photographies, soit près de la moitié des orchidées répertoriées à Madagascar, proportion remarquable du fait que beaucoup d'espèces restent difficiles à observer. Ce livre vous permettra de découvrir et d'identifier sur le terrain l'ensemble de la flore orchidologique courante, à présentation des différents biotopes colonisés par les orchidées. La partie principale de l'ouvrage présente les espèces, illustrées chacune par plusieurs photographies de haute qualité esthétique et didactique, très souvent prises sur le terrain. Outre l'inflorescence, on découvre les appareils végétatifs, ce qui constitue une nouveauté. Chaque espèce est accompagnée d'un texte bref : description d'herbier.
Jean BOSSER est sans aucun doute l'orchidologue français en activité le plus fécond et le plus réputé internationalement. Spécialiste des orchidées de la région de Madagascar (Mascareignes comprises), et botaniste généraliste, il s'est aussi intéressé aux Graminées de cette région et il est l'auteur de plusieurs centaines de publications. Parmi les descripteurs français d'orchidées, Jean BOSSER occupe une place toute particulière. Son oeuvre est entièrement consacrée aux végétaux des îles et territoires de l'Océan Indien : Comores, Maurice, Réunion, et surtout Madagascar.
Marcel LECOUFLE, une passion familiale. C'est auprès de son grand-père, qui débute la culture des orchidées à Boissy-Saint-Léger en 1886, que Marcel Lecoufle voit naître sa vocation. Il passe son enfance, sa jeunesse puis sa vie toute entière parmi les orchidées, et contribue ainsi très largement à la réputation de son entreprise familiale devenue mondialement connue pour la qualité et la diversité des espèces rares qu'elle cultive. Botaniste mondialement connu, membre correspondant du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle à Paris, et surtout amoureux de ce groupe végétal surprenant, il en connaît tous les secrets grâce notamment à ses multiples voyages qui lui ont permis d'observer et d'étudier les orchidées dans leur milieu naturel. Au fil des années, Marcel LECOUFLE s'est constitué une collection unique au monde avec pour favorites les orchidées Malgaches qui constituent aujourd'hui sa spécialité, reconnue comme « Collection Nationale » par le Conservatoire des Collections végétales spécialisées. -
Les especes envahissantes dans l'archipel néo-calédonien ; invasive species in the new caledonian archipelago
Marie-Laure Beauvais, Alain Coleno, Hervé Jourdan
- IRD Éditions
- 28 Mars 2014
- 9782709917759
La biodiversité calédonienne, reconnue comme l'une des plus exceptionnelles avec son fort taux d'endémisme, est largement menacée par l'introduction de nouvelles espèces. Il est donc important de protéger l'écosystème calédonien, à la fois riche et vulnérable, des espèces envahissantes, l'une des principales causes de perte de la biodiversité à l'échelle mondiale. Face à cette menace, le Gouvernement et les trois provinces de Nouvelle-Calédonie souhaitent mettre en place une structure collective afin de définir les orientations stratégiques nécessaires pour préserver et conserver leur biodiversité. Elles ont ainsi voulu qu'un état des connaissances soit dressé et qu'une réflexion soit menée sur la prévention, la détection précoce, l'intervention rapide, l'éradication, le confinement et le contrôle des espèces envahissantes. Cette expertise collégiale apporte les éléments nécessaires à la construction d'un système de biosécurité pertinent et efficace pour l'archipel néo-calédonien.
Au coeur des Andes, les quinueros, producteurs de quinoa des hauts plateaux de Bolivie, ne vivent pas coupés du reste du monde. En quelques années, ils ont fait d'une contrée désertique et froide la première région exportatrice de cette graine de haute valeur nutritive. Héritiers d'une tradition séculaire conjuguant agriculture locale et échanges lointains, ils ont innové et se sont organisés pour diffuser leur production à travers tous les continents. Mais plus qu'un simple phénomène de mondialisation des échanges, c'est une authentique révolution agricole qui se joue sous nos yeux. Pour rendre compte des transformations en cours, cet ouvrage abondamment illustré révèle les atouts, les enjeux et les défis que portent en eux la quinoa et les quinueros. Il le fait en associant intimement les hommes, la plante et le milieu, portant un regard pénétrant sur la réalité toujours changeante des hauts plateaux andins. Au-delà des idées reçues sur un produit en vogue, ce livre cherche aussi à encourager des échanges plus solidaires et plus responsables entre producteurs et consommateurs.
Microsporidia ; pathogens of opportunity
Louis m. Weiss, James j. Becnel
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 25 Juillet 2014
- 9781118395233
Microsporidia: Pathogens of Opportunity provides a systematic overview of the biology of microsporidia. Written by leading experts in the field, the book combines background and basic information on microsporidia with descriptive methods and resources for working with the pathogen. Newly revised and updated for its second edition, Microsporidia will continue to be the standard text reference for these pathogenic protists, and is an indispensable research resource for biologists,
physicians and parasitologists. This new edition of this publication provides systematic reviews of the biology of this pathogen by leading experts in the field, and will be combined with descriptions of the methods and resources for working with this pathogen. o Provides a comprehensive summary of literature on microsporidia and microsporidiosis o The long-awaited update to the standard microsporidia reference text The Microsporidia and Microsporidiosis
o Written by an international team of authors representing each of the main research groups working on microsporidia o Chapters provide comprehensive overviews of general methodology as well as special techniques related to these organisms -
Invasions of introduced species cause varying degrees of harm on the ecosystems in question and it is up to society to deal with the consequences. How can we prevent biological invasions? How can we assess the risk they represent? What can be done to control current invasions? Aware of this problem, the Ministry of Ecology has requested a community of researchers from a variety of disciplines to decipher these questions using biological, sociological and economic approaches. Although the definitive response to the problems raised by invasive species in natural spaces is not provided here, undeniable progress in understanding mechanisms underlying these invasions can shed light on the decisions which have to be taken by environmental managers. Scientists, teachers and students will also find results and thought-processes in this book to supplement their knowledge.
The Visual Dictionary of Universe & Earth
Ariane Archambault, Jean-Claude Corbeil
- Les Éditions Québec Amérique
- 20 Juillet 2012
- 9782764408841
The Visual Dictionary of Universe and Earth takes the reader into a fascinating journey through cosmos to discover celestial bodies, astronomical observation equipment and astronautics, and then provides a complete view of our planet through geography, geology, meteorology and environment.
Convenient and affordable, this book is the perfect tool to improve your knowledge of our world! -
Managing Climate Change. Climate, Growth and Equitable Development
Pierre Corvol
- Collège de France
- 9 Septembre 2013
- 9782722602670
Climate change has been the source of immense challenges for ethical, economic or political analysts. We are aware of the scale of the action required to be taken and the areas in which that action is needed namely efficient energy use, low carbon technologies or deforestation. We have an idea of which technologies need to be developed. We understand the basic economic policy incentives in favour of reducing emissions, stopping deforestation and promoting more sensible use of our natural environment and its resources. The main challenge today is to obtain political adherence to actually accomplishing these changes. The Chair in Sustainable Development - Environment, Energy and Society is supported by TOTAL.
Surveillance, maintenance and diagnosis of flood protection dikes
Patrice Mériaux
- 1 Juin 2008
- 9782759200375
This technical guide is intended for personnel within services or structures involved in managing dikes that protect against floods in the case of a rise in river levels. It is intended for an audience of technicians and it aims to popularise: the functioning principles concerning a system of dikes, the risks run, monitoring methods and maintenance methods. Its aim is to justify and describe all the necessary measures to ensure the long life and security of the constructions.
Geophysical and geotechnical methods for diagnosing flood protection dikes
Patrice Mériaux
- 1 Juin 2008
- 9782759200351
This book presents a three-phase methodology for the efficient diagnosis of "dry dikes". It is invaluable for anyone involved in dike safety; notably owners, managers, engineers and contractors, and provides all the information required for effective dike diagnosis and for initiating more extensive work or more detailed study.
The origins of modern humans ; biology reconsidered
Fred h. Smith, James c. m. Ahern
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 9 Juillet 2013
- 9781118659908
This update to the award-winning The Origins of Modern Humans: A World Survey of the Fossil Evidence covers the most accepted common theories concerning the emergence of modern Homo sapiens?adding fresh insight from top young scholars on the key new discoveries of the past 25 years. The Origins of Modern Humans: Biology Reconsidered allows field leaders to discuss and assess the assemblage of hominid fossil material in each region of the world during the Pleistocene epoch. It features new fossil and molecular evidence, such as the evolutionary inferences drawn from assessments of modern humans and large segments of the Neandertal genome. It also addresses the impact of digital imagery and the more sophisticated morphometrics that have entered the analytical fray since 1984. Beginning with a thoughtful introduction by the authors on modern human origins, the book offers such insightful chapter contributions as: Africa: The Cradle of Modern People Crossroads of the Old World: Late Hominin Evolution in Western Asia A River Runs through It: Modern Human Origins in East Asia Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Australians Modern Human Origins in Central Europe The Makers of the Early Upper Paleolithic in Western Eurasia Neandertal Craniofacial Growth and Development and Its Relevance for Modern Human Origins Energetics and the Origin of Modern Humans Understanding Human Cranial Variation in Light of Modern Human Origins The Relevance of Archaic Genomes to Modern Human Origins The Process of Modern Human Origins: The Evolutionary and Demographic Changes Giving Rise to Modern Humans The Paleobiology of Modern Human Emergence Elegant and thought provoking, The Origins of Modern Humans: Biology Reconsidered is an ideal read for students, grad students, and professionals in human evolution and paleoanthropology.
The Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening
Graham Seymour, Gregory a. Tucker, Mervin Poole, James Giovannoni
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 18 Mars 2013
- 9781118592984
A comprehensive and mechanistic perspective on fruit ripening, emphasizing commonalities and differences between fruit groups and ripening processes. Fruits are an essential part of the human diet and contain important phytochemicals that provide protection against heart disease and cancers. Fruit ripening is of importance for human health and for industry-based strategies to harness natural variation, or genetic modification, for crop improvement. This book covers recent advances in the field of plant genomics and how these discoveries can be exploited to understand evolutionary processes and the complex network of hormonal and genetic control of ripening. The book explains the physiochemical and molecular changes in fruit that impact its quality, and recent developments in understanding of the genetic, molecular and biochemical basis for colour, flavour and texture. It is a valuable resource for plant and crop researchers and professionals, agricultural engineers, horticulturists, and food scientists. Summary: Reviews the physiochemical and molecular changes in fruit which impact flavour, texture, and colour Covers recent advances in genomics on the genetic, molecular, and biochemical basis of fruit quality Integrates information on both hormonal and genetic control of ripening Relevant for basic researchers and applied scientists
Phloem: Molecular Cell Biology, Systemic Communication, Biotic Interactions is a timely collection of research on the cellular and molecular biology of this plant vascular tissue. Recent advances in phloem research have revealed the centrality of this plant tissue to whole plant development and physiology. Building on advances made through developments of new analytical technologies, this book will provide readers with a current and comprehensive reference on the role of phloem in plant growth and development. Collecting the work of a global team of leading researchers, Phloem will provide the reader with a valuable synthesis of the latest research in a single volume.
Plant Centromere Biology
Jiming Jiang, James a. Birchler
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Janvier 2013
- 9781118525555
Plant Centromere Biology is dedicated to plant centromere research. Chapters cover the structure of centromeres from several plant species including Arabidopsis thaliana, rice, maize, wheat and beet, while other sections cover several unique characteristics associated with plant centromeres, including classical and modern neocentromeres, centromere drive and centromere misdivision. Additional chapters are dedicated to epigenetic modification and evolution of plant centromeres, and development and application of plant artificial chromosomes. Written by an international group of experts in the field, Plant Centromere Biology is a valuable handbook for all plant scientists working on plant genome research. Beyond the bench, it can also serve as a helpful reference tool or textbook for upper level college classes on cytogenetics or genome analysis.
Innovation is key to green growth. It helps decouple growth from natural capital depletion and contributes to economic growth and job creation. Business is the driver of innovation, but governments need to provide clear and stable market signals, e.g. through carbon pricing. This book explores policy actions for the deployment of new technologies and innovations as they emerge: investment in research and development, support for commercialisation, strengthening markets and fostering technology diffusion. Competition will be essential to bring out the best solutions.
The Cost of Air Pollution ; Health impacts of road transport
- 31 Juillet 2014
- 9789264218338
Outdoor air pollution kills more than 3 million people across the world every year, and causes health problems from asthma to heart disease for many more. This is costing societies very large amounts in terms of the value of lives lost and ill health. Based on extensive new epidemiological evidence since the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, and OECD estimates of the Value of Statistical Life, this report provides evidence on the health impacts from air pollution and the related economic costs.
Marine biotechnology ; enabling solutions for ocean productivity and sustainability
- 2 Septembre 2013
- 9789264194243
This report considers the potential of marine biotechnology to contribute to economic and social prosperity by making use of recent advances in science and technology. It discusses scientific and technological tools at the centre of a renewed interest in marine biotechnology, contributing to a new bioeconomy sector in many countries, and offering potential new solutions to global challenges. It also examines how these advances are improving our understanding of marine life and facilitating access to, and study of, marine organisms and ecosystems, and it considers the largely untapped potential of these bioresources.
This promise is considered alongside the challenges associated with the development of these resources which exist with complex ecosystems and fluidly distributed in a vast, largely shared environment. The report makes the case for a new global framework for the sustainable development of marine biotechnology and identifies some areas that will benefit from focused attention as governments develop policies to support it. In addition to this prospective view, this report identifies some early policy lessons learned by the governments which are leading attempts to benefit from bioresources. -
Ce rapport est le troisième examen des performances environnementales de l'Italie. Il évalue les progrès vers le développement durable et la croissance verte, et met l'accent sur les politiques qui favorisent une gestion plus efficace et efficiente de l'eau et la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Water and Climate Change Adaptation ; policies to navigate uncharted waters
- 2 Septembre 2013
- 9789264200449
This report sets out the challenge for freshwater in a changing climate and provides policy guidance on how to navigate this new "waterscape". It highlights the range of expected changes in the water cycle and the challenge of making practical, on-site adaptation decisions for water. It offers policymakers a risk-based approach to better "know", "target" and "manage" water risks and proposes policy guidelines to prioritise action and improve the efficiency, timeliness and equity of adaptation responses.
The report also highlights general trends and good practices drawn from the OECD Survey of Policies on Water and Climate Change Adaptation, covering all 34 member countries and the European Commission. Individual country profiles are available, which provide a snapshot of the challenges posed by climate change for freshwater and the emerging policy responses (on-line only).
Finally, the report highlights the benefits of well-designed economic instruments (e.g. insurance schemes, water trading, water pricing), ecosystem-based approaches and `real options' approaches to financing. These approaches can improve the flexibility of water policy and investment, reducing the cost of adjusting to changing conditions. -
Climate Resilience in Development Planning ; Experiences in Colombia and Ethiopia
Ocde - Organisation
- 22 Avril 2014
- 9789264209503
Climate-related disasters have inflicted increasingly high losses on developing countries, and with climate change, these losses are likely to worsen. Improving country resilience against climate risks is therefore vital for achieving poverty reduction and economic development goals.
This report discusses the current state of knowledge on how to build climate resilience in developing countries. It argues that climate-resilient development requires moving beyond the climate-proofing of existing development pathways, to consider economic development objectives and resilience priorities in parallel. Achieving this will require political vision and a clear understanding of the relation between climate and development, as well as an adapted institutional set-up, financing arrangements, and progress monitoring and evaluation. The report also discusses two priorities for climate-resilient development: disaster risk management and the involvement of the private sector.
The report builds on a growing volume of country experiences on building climate resilience into national development planning. Two country case studies, Ethiopia and Colombia, are discussed in detail. -
This publication examines the critical issues surrounding water security (water shortage, water excess, inadequate water quality, the resilience of freshwater systems), providing a rationale for a risk-based approach and the management of trade-offs between water and other (sectoral and environmental) policies.
The report sets out a three-step process to "know", "target" and "manage" water risks: (1) appraising the risks, (2) judging the tolerability and acceptability of risks and weighing risk-risk trade-offs, and (3) calibrating appropriate responses.
The publication provides policy analysis and guidance on the use of market-based instruments and the complex links between water security and other policy objectives, such as food security, energy security, climate mitigation and biodiversity protection. -
EcoSd annual workshop consequential lca 2013
Isabelle Blanc
- Presses des Mines
- Développement durable
- 6 Février 2023
- 9782385422226
EcoSD network is a French association whose main objective is to encourage collaboration between academic and industrial researchers so they may create and spread advanced and multidisciplinary knowledge in the eco-design fields at national and international levels. Several actions are proposed by the EcoSD network with the support from the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as well as the Ministry of Industry:
Structuring EcoSD research activities in France to take advantage of the expertise from more than 200 members of this research network,
Developing knowledge among researchers regarding the field of eco-design, particularly better training of PhD students by organizing relevant training courses over different themes in eco-design,
Elaborating new methods, new tools and new databases to achieve complex systems design, compatible with the principle of sustainable development,
Initiating the EcoSD label to acknowledge the quality and inclusion of sustainable development in trainings, research programs, research projects and symposiums,
Helping interactive collaboration between researchers and industrial partners through the organization of quarterly research seminars in Paris and an annual workshop.
The workshop was organized around three main topics:
What is at stake with consequential LCA?
Key methodological issues through the analysis of the state of the art,
Paving the way towards a common terminology, framework and methodology: illustrations through case studies.
Around 50 researchers from industry, academia and governmental institutions participated in the workshop and had the opportunity to exchange with experts. The workshop concluded with a final discussion panel. -
In many OECD countries, governments have invested large amounts of public money to support renewable energy (RE) development and are requiring significant quantities of it to be sold by energy providers. But what are the economic impacts of these policies on the rural regions where deployment takes place? How can RE bring the greatest benefit to host regions? These are some of the questions explored by this study. Drawing on case studies in 16 regions within 10 countries, the research finds that while RE indeed represents an opportunity for stimulating economic growth in rural communities, its development benefits are not automatic. Realising them requires a complex and flexible policy framework and a long-term strategy, as well as a realistic appreciation of the potential gains from RE deployment. Making a positive connection between RE development and local economic growth will require more coherent strategies, the right set of local conditions, and a place-based approach to deployment.
National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets 2013
Ocde - Organisation
- 3 Avril 2014
- 9789264209770
The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Balance Sheets includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument.
The data in this publication are also available in database format on the OECD iLibrary under the title OECD National Accounts Statistics: Financial Balance Sheets (