La dengue dans les departements francais d'Amérique ; dengue in Martinique, guadeloupe and French Guiana
Raymond Corriveau, Bernard Philippon, André Yebakima
- IRD Éditions
- 8 Octobre 2013
- 9782709917711
En progression rapide dans toutes les régions chaudes, la dengue ou « fièvre dengue » est la maladie à vecteur la plus répandue dans le monde. L'expansion de ses formes hémorragiques, qui peuvent être mortelles, est devenue particulièrement inquiétante, d'autant qu'en l'absence de vaccins ou de nouveaux traitements, l'unique moyen d'enrayer la maladie consiste à lutter contre le moustique vecteur. Il ressort des contributions réunies dans cette expertise collégiale qu'à côté des techniques de démoustication présentées en détail dans le volume, un travail en réseau est indispensable pour surveiller et prendre en charge cette pathologie. Il apparaît également nécessaire, ce qui n'est pas le plus facile, de convaincre les populations d'éliminer elles-mêmes les réserves d'eau (mares, flaques, récipients...) où le moustique se reproduit, une autre mesure essentielle proposée dans cette expertise.
Lecture notes ; clinical biochemistry (9e édition)
Simon Walker, Peter Rae, Peter Ashby, Geoffrey Beckett
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 6 Mai 2013
- 9781118687062
The new edition of the best-selling Lecture Notes title is a concise introduction to clinical biochemistry that presents the fundamental science underpinning common biochemical investigations used in clinical practice. Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistry allows the reader to make efficient and informed use of the diagnostic services offered by their clinical biochemistry department. The result is a text that serves as a reference to the practitioner as well as the student. The book takes a system-based approach, with the underlying physiological rationale for any test explained in the context of disruption by disease. This leads naturally to an integrated and practical understanding of biochemical diagnostics. Including multiple choice questions (MCQs) alongside end-of-chapter case studies to help develop test-selection skills, Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistry provides the essential background to biochemical investigations and is an ideal course companion and revision guide for medical students, junior doctors on the Foundation Programme, general practitioners, and nurses and laboratory technicians.
Biology of lactation
Jacques Martinet, Louis-Marie Houdebine, Herbert H. Head
- 1 Juin 2008
- 9782759204724
A presentation of the most fundamental features of the biology of the mammary gland, a unique model of an organ capable of an abundant synthesis of proteins: endocrinology of lactation, role of prolactin, genetics and protein synthesis, immunology and the mammary gland, nutrition and dairy products. Readership: students, teachers, researchers, health and agriculture professionals. Lactation Biology was first published in French in 1993. The English version is not merely a translation: it has been updated by the author. The French version of this book, Biologie de la lactation, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Biologie de la lactation, est disponible sur notre site.
Paediatric neurological disorders with cerebellar involvement ; diagnosis and management
Stefano D'arrigo, Daria Riva, Enza maria Valente
- John Libbey
- Mariani Foudation Paediatric Neurology
- 9 Décembre 2014
- 9782742014118
This book provides an update on paediatric neurological disorders with cerebellar involvement.
The opening section of the volume is dedicated to the structure and function of cerebellum: the specific development of this organ, unlike other structures of the central nervous system, begins at a later stage of foetal development and lasts longer, even after birth, thus making the cerebellum particularly vulnerable to a wide range of insults, both genetic and acquired.
Of particular interest are chapters that focus on cerebellar disorders which may occur in isolation, or else as part of more complex malformations of the posterior fossa or in association with other supratentorial anomalies. Such conditions may be encountered both as part of 'static' congenital encephalopathies as well as in the frame of neurodegenerative or neurometabolic disorders.
Besides, the recent advances in neuroimaging and genetics allow to better characterize and define the genetic basis of an increasing number of such conditions.
The last part of the volume is dedicated to care and rehabilitation in cerebellar diseases: their correct diagnosis is pivotal in order to address patients to the appropriate genetic testing, plan clinical management and therapeutic strategies, and provide adequate counselling. -
Facial rejuvenation
Serge Dahan, Bertrand Pusel
- John Libbey
- Lasers et technologies apparentées
- 11 Juin 2015
- 9782704014460
Facial Rejuvenation enables a general overview on specific subjects.
It constitutes a useful tool which offers information allowing the reader to progress, always from an ethical perspective, and to provide a global medical and esthetical treatment.
Laser and energy based treatments are the angular stone of cutaneous facial ageing management. This book updates our knowledge on different laser and apparented technologies, such as pulsed lights, LED, radiofrequency, ultrasounds, as well as on cosmetics, injections and their eventual interactions.
Moreover, it details the evaluation methods of their effects on skin along with the particularities of treating African, Asian and Mediterranean skin.
Facial Rejuvenation could not have been completed without the international and French authors who participated by sharing their knowledge, and contributed to each chapter with their attention to detail and their qualitative expertise.
We now let it in your hands, so that it may pass along its experience and encourage you to question, progress and offer our patients the best of laser, lights and energy based devices. -
Progressive myoclonus épilepsies ; state of the art
Berge a. Minassian, Pascale Striano, Giuliano Avanzini
- John Libbey
- Mariani Foudation Paediatric Neurology
- 25 Août 2017
- 9782742015252
Progressive myoclonus epilepsy strikes healthy children and has a slow yet devastating impact upon their lives. Almost all forms are caused by single gene defects, the majority of which were identified during the genomic era.
Accurate clinical diagnosis is now straightforward and research into pathogenesis builds upon our understanding of causation. Future research is likely to lead to new therapeutic approaches while providing us with a better understanding of how the brain, the very essence of our being, operates, gene by gene. As we stand on the cusp of the post-genomic era, the emergence of unprecedented new tools, such as CRISPR and adeno-associated viruses, offers hope that these monogenetic diseases may one day be eliminated altogether.
This book outlines the genetic, pathogenetic, pathological, and clinical aspects of progressive myoclonus epilepsies within the context of the post-genomic era. -
It is of paramount importance to improve application techniques when controlling locust outbreaks in developing countries. Most available documents and publications on locust control deal mainly with insecticides, rather than application techniques and the required control equipment. The present guide book is designed to make up for this oversight.
Basic principles for conducting spraying operations, descriptions of spraying equipment - especially for ultra low volume spraying - and specific locust control techniques are described in detail. The document explains how to get the most from treatments while minimizing the adverse effects to the man and environment.
This book is aimed at decision-makers and all those involved in locust control who wish to improve their knowledge of application techniques.
Genetics of original sin ; the impact of the past on the future of humanity
Christian de Duve
- Odile Jacob
- 13 Avril 2009
- 9782738147547
"In this book I examine the extraordinary saga of life on Earth in the light of the most recent scientific discoveries. This saga has resulted in the extraordinary success of our species, and in the mortal threats that it has posed for the future. By favoring immediate benefits, to the detriment, sometimes, of long-term advantages, natural selection, in my opinion, is the source of this remarkable success, but also of the perils that come out of it. Modern science has established the implausibility of the Biblical tale for the origins of human beings; it has not, however, invalidated the intuition that inspired it. Humanity is, infact, tainted by an intrinsic defect, by a genetic "original sin," that threatens to lead to its demise. We do indeed need redemption to save us, but it can only come from humanity itself. We must find in the resources of our minds a wisdom that is not inscribed in our genes." C. de D. The book of a great biologist, but also of a moralist. Christian de Duve, Nobel Laureate in Medicine, is professor emeritus at the Université catholique de Louvain and at Rockefeller University in New York. He is the author of À l'écoute du vivant (2002) and of Singularités (2005) [Singularities: Landmarks on the Pathways of Life], both best-sellers.