- Springer (17)
- Birkhäuser (5)
- Springer Spektrum (4)
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (3)
- Wiley-VCH (3)
- Centaurus Verlag & Media (2)
- Saga Egmont (2)
- Éditions Cairn (2)
- Flammarion (réédition numérique FeniXX) (1)
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (1)
- Springer Gabler (1)
- Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1)
- Wiley (1)
43 produits trouvés
Une tour oubliée où survivent des enfants, et des prédateurs qui rôdent... La Garonne insouciante lèche les quais de Bordeaux où les commerces sont florissants, l'urbanisme flamboyant. Une jeune professeur des écoles et un jeune policier tentent de sauvegarder quelques illusions. Un gamin trop malin veut venger ses copains. Le feu et la violence couvent dans les ruines jusqu'à l'emballement final.
The Gifts of Reading
Robert Macfarlane William Boyd Candice Carty-Willi
- Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 17 Septembre 2020
- 9781474615693
With contributions by: William Boyd, Candice Carty-Williams, Imtiaz Dharker, Roddy Doyle, Pico Iyer, Robert Macfarlane, Andy Miller, Jackie Morris, Jan Morris, Sisonke Msimang, Dina Nayeri, Chigozie Obioma, Michael Ondaatje, David Pilling, Max Porter, Philip Pullman, Alice Pung, Jancis Robinson, S.F.Said, Madeleine Thien, Salley Vickers, John Wood and Markus Zusak
'This story, like so many stories, begins with a gift. The gift, like so many gifts, was a book...' So begins the essay by Robert Macfarlane that inspired this collection.
In this cornucopia of an anthology, you will find essays by some of the world's most beloved novelists, nonfiction writers, essayists and poets.
'You will see books taking flight in flocks, migrating around the world, landing in people's hearts and changing them for a day or a year or a lifetime.
'You will see books sparking wonder or anger; throwing open windows into other languages, other cultures, other minds; causing people to fall in love or to fight for what is right.
'And more than anything, over and over again, you will see books and words being given, received and read - and in turn prompting further generosity.'
Published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of global literacy non-profit, Room to Read, The Gifts of Reading forms inspiring, unforgettable, irresistible proof of the power and necessity of books and reading.
Inspired by Robert Macfarlane
Curated by Jennie Orchard -
Un agent des services spéciaux jongle avec la raison d'État. Un trafiquant joue avec les apparences. Un petit patron anachronique s'est lancé dans une course pour la survie. Un chauffeur routier paradoxal va devoir courir pour sauver sa peau. Voici les destins croisés de quatre hommes condamnés à disparaître... tout en refusant de se laisser vaincre par l'adversité. Ils ne pourront pas tous survivre.
Die Entwicklung immer leistungsfähigerer absoluter wie auch relativer Gravimeter mit deutlich verbesserter Messgenauigkeit ermglicht es, dass sich künftig nicht nur prägnante Schwereanomalien (wie z. B. die eines Salzstocks), sondern auch schwächere Signaturen erfassen und modellieren lassen. Mehr noch, die rasante Entwicklung der Computer führt zu neuartigen Methoden der Datendekomposition, wie z. B. Waveletdekorrelation. Dekorrelative Gravimetrie ist somit eine neue Explorationstechnik, die als kanonische Innovation aus der Verbindung neuartiger Mess- und Modellierungstechniken resultiert.Dekorrelative Gravimetrie dient der Reduzierung des Fündigkeitsrisikos von Aquiferen sowie von Gas- und Öllagerstätten, auch durch Vergleich und Zusammenschau alternativer, aber strukturell ähnlich gelagerter, dekorrelativer Verfahren wie etwa Magnetometrie und Seismik. Hier setzt dieses Buch mit einem exemplarischen Überblick über die neuartige Dekorrelationsmethoden der heutigen Geomathematik mit Hauptgewicht für den Fall der Gravimetrie an. Wesentliches mathematisches Hilfsmittel ist die Regularisierung des Newtonschen Volumenintegrals durch taylorisierte Mollifier-Varianten des Newton-Kerns.Ziel des vorliegenden Buches ist somit die Vermittlung des Grundverständnisses, dass Zooming-In Mollifier-Potentialmethoden wie etwa dekorrelative Gravimetrie neue wichtige Anwendungsfelder in der heutigen Geoexploration erffnen, insbesondere für Gebiete mit bergbaubedingten Hohlräumen oder sehr dichter Bebauung wie etwa das Saarland oder Sachsen, die den Einsatz von reflexionsseismischen Messungen erschweren oder sogar unmglich machen.Zusammenfassend lässt sich für dieses Buchprojekt festhalten, dass es einen Einblick in den aktuellen Stand gravimetrischer Multiskalenforschung vermittelt. Als wesentliches Resultat ergibt sich, dass die Schlüsseltechnologie Geomathematik in der Tat in der Lage ist, die Gravimetrie auf einfache, für Explorationszwecke zugängliche und somit rechenbare Dekorrelationsmodelle zu reduzieren. Mehr noch, das Buch macht auf diese Weise ein breites Publikum mit den vielfältigen Fragen und Problemen der heutigen Gravimetrie vertraut und setzt Denkanstße für eine erfolgreiche Weiterentwicklung und eine adäquate praxisrelevante Anwendbarkeit von Potentialmethoden in der Exploration in Gang.
Non-Hydrostatic Free Surface Flows
Oscar Castro-Orgaz, Willi H. Hager
- Springer
- 27 Mars 2017
- 9783319479712
This book provides essential information on the higher mathematical level of approximation over the gradually varied flow theory, also referred to as the Boussinesq-type theory. In this context, it presents higher order flow equations, together with their applications in a broad range of pertinent engineering and environmental problems, including open channel, groundwater, and granular material flows.
Handbook of Mathematical Geodesy
Willi Freeden, M. Zuhair Nashed
- Birkhäuser
- 11 Juin 2018
- 9783319571812
Written by leading experts, this book provides a clear and comprehensive survey of the "status quo" of the interrelating process and cross-fertilization of structures and methods in mathematical geodesy. Starting with a foundation of functional analysis, potential theory, constructive approximation, special function theory, and inverse problems, readers are subsequently introduced to today's least squares approximation, spherical harmonics reflected spline and wavelet concepts, boundary value problems, Runge-Walsh framework, geodetic observables, geoidal modeling, ill-posed problems and regularizations, inverse gravimetry, and satellite gravity gradiometry. All chapters are self-contained and can be studied individually, making the book an ideal resource for both graduate students and active researchers who want to acquaint themselves with the mathematical aspects of modern geodesy.
Reactive Flows, Diffusion and Transport
Willi Jager, Rolf Rannacher, J. Warnatz
- Springer
- 31 Mai 2007
- 9783540283966
The articles in this volume summarize the research results obtained in the former SFB 359 "Reactive Flow, Diffusion and Transport" which has been supported by the DFG over the period 1993-2004. The main subjects are physical-chemical processes sharing the difficulty of interacting diffusion, transport and reaction which cannot be considered separately. Typical examples are the chemical processes in flow reactors and in the catalytic combustion at surfaces. Further examples are models of star formation including diffusive mass transport, energy radiation and dust formation and the polluting transport in soil and waters. For these complex processes mathematical models are established and numerically simulated. The modeling uses multiscale techniques for nonlinear differential equations while for the numerical simulation and optimization goal-oriented mesh and model adaptivity, multigrid techniques and advanced Newton-type methods are developed combined with parallelization. This modeling and simulation is accompanied by experiments.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 05
Willi Jager, Wolfgang E. Nagel
- Springer
- 6 Mars 2006
- 9783540290643
Physics.- Simulations of Astrophysical Jets in Dense Environments.- Numerical Simulations of Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts.- Electron-doping Evolution of the Quasiparticle Band of the Cuprates.- Libraries and Methods for Parallel Particle Simulations.- Solid State Physics.- Numerical Simulations of Quantum Gases, Magnetic, and Correlated Electronic Systems.- Large-Scale Simulations for Understanding Surface Optical Spectra.- Numerical Investigations of Nano-Systems in Reduced Geometry.- Computational Fluid Dynamics.- Direct Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear Transitional Stages in an Experimentally Investigated Laminar Separation Bubble.- Instabilities in Hypersonic Boundary Layers Under the Influence of High-temperature Gas Effects.- Direct Numerical Simulation of Breakup Phenomena in Liquid Jets and of Colliding Raindrops.- Numerical Investigation of the VKI Turbine Blade by Large Eddy Simulation.- A Hybrid LES/CAA Method for Aeroacoustic Applications.- Using Dynamic Mesh Models to Simulate Electrostatic Spray-Painting.- Numerical Simulation of Maneuvering Combat Aircraft.- Advanced Rotary Wing Aeromechanics.- Time-Accurate versus Actuator Disk Simulations of Complete Helicopters.- LES of Shock Wave/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction.- Detailed Combustion and Steamside Simulation of Fossil-fuel Fired Utility Boilers.- Chemistry.- Computational Chemistry.- Quantum Mechanical Studies of Boron Clustering in Silicon.- Ionic Liquids from A1C13.- Miscellaneous Topics.- Considerations of the Biot Velocity Relations: Viscous Finite-difference Calculations in Combination with Flow Simulations.- Plateness of the Oceanic Lithosphere and the Thermal Evolution of the Earth's Mantle.- Use of High Performance Computing in Gravity Field Research.- Molecular Modeling ofHydrogen Bonding Fluids.- Benchmarking MPI One-sided Communication with SKaMPI-5.
The new edition of this practice-oriented handbook features thoroughly updated contents, including recent developments in parallel synthesis.
A new chapter on screening complements the overview of combinatorial strategy and synthetic methods.
"Experimental details and complete reaction data [...] are a constant theme running through this work"
(Angewandte Chemie)
"Recommended to newcomers in the field of combinatorial chemical synthesis because of its broad scope"
(Journal of the American Chemical Society)
Sustainable Asset Accumulation and Dynamic Portfolio Decisions
Willi Semmler, Carl Chiarella, Chih-Ying Hsiao, Carl Mateane
- Springer
- 1 Septembre 2016
- 9783662492291
This book examines sustainable wealth formation and dynamic decision-making. The global economy experienced a veritable meltdown of asset markets in the years 2007-9, where many funds were overexposed to risky returns and suffered considerable losses. On the other hand, the long-term upswing in the stock market since 2010 has led to asset price booms and some new, but also uneven, wealth formation. In this book a broader set of constraints and guidelines for asset management and wealth accumulation is developed. The authors investigate how wealth formation and the proper management of financial funds can help to adequately buffer income risk and obtain sufficient risk-free income at a later stage of life, while also being socially and environmentally sustainable.The book explores behavioral and institutional rules for decision-making that reflect such constraints and guidelines, without necessarily being optimal in the narrow sense. The authors explain the need for such a dynamic decision-making and dynamic re-balancing of portfolios, by putting forward dynamic programming as an approach to dynamic decision-making that can allow sustainable wealth accumulation and dynamic asset allocation to be successfully integrated.This book provides a clear and comprehensive treatment of asset accumulation and dynamic portfolio models with an emphasis on long term and sustainable wealth formation. An important concern in public debate is the sustainability of our economy and this book employs cutting edge quantitative techniques and models to highlight important facts that cannot be disputed under any reasonable assumptions. It has the potential to become a standard reference for both academic researchers and quantitatively trained practitioners. Eckhard Platen, Professor of Quantitative Finance, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
This book should be read by both academics and practitioners alike. The former will find intellectually rigorous discussions and innovative solutions. The latter may find a few of the concepts a bit challenging. Yet, theory and technology are there to help simplify the work of those who worry about what time it is rather than how to make a watch--- but they do need a watch.Jean Brunel, Founder of Brunel Associates and Editor of The Journal of Wealth Management -
"Asset Prices, Booms and Recessions" is a book on Financial Economics from a dynamic perspective. It focuses on the dynamic interaction of financial markets and economic activity. The financial markets to be studied here encompasses the money and bond market, credit market, stock market and foreign exchange market. Economic activity is described by the activity of firms, banks, households, governments and countries. The book shows how economic activity affects asset prices and the financial market and how asset prices and financial market volatility feed back to economic activity. The focus in this book is on theories, dynamic models and empirical evidence. Empirical applications relate to episodes of financial instability and financial crises of the U.S., Latin American, Asian as well as Euro-area countries. The current version of the book has moved to a more extensive coverage of the topics in financial economics by updating the literature in the appropriate chapters. Moreover it gives a more extensive treatment of new and more advanced topics in financial economics such as international portfolio theory, multi-agent and evolutionary approaches, capital asset pricing beyond consumption-based models and dynamic portfolio decisions. Overall, the book presents material that researchers and practitioners in financial engineering need to know about economic dynamics and that economists, practitioners and policy makers need to know about the financial market.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 04
Willi Jager, Egon Krause
- Springer
- 16 Juin 2007
- 9783540265894
This book presents the state-of-the-art in modelling and simulation on supercomputers. Leading German research groups present their results achieved on high-end systems of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) for the year 2004. The reports cover all fields of computational science and engineering ranging from computational fluid dynamics via computational physics and chemistry to computer science. Special emphasis is given to industrially relevant applications. Presenting results for both vector-systems and micro-processor based systems the book allows to compare performance levels and usability of a variety of supercomputer architectures. In the light of the success of the Japanese Earth-Simulator this book may serve as a guide book for a US response. The book covers the main methods in high performance computing. Its outstanding results in achieving highest performance for production codes are of particular interest for both the scientist and the engineer. The book comes with a wealth of coloured illustrations and tables of results.
Product Design and Engineering
Gerhard Wagner, Ulrich Brockel, Willi Meier
- Wiley-VCH
- 2 Août 2013
- 9783527654765
Covering the whole value chain - from product requirements and properties via process technologies and equipment to real-world applications - this reference represents a comprehensive overview of the topic. The editors and majority of the authors are members of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, with backgrounds from academia as well as industry. Therefore, this multifaceted area is highlighted from different angles: essential physico-chemical background, latest measurement and prediction techniques, and numerous applications from cosmetic up to food industry. Recommended reading for process, pharma and chemical engineers, chemists in industry, and those working in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, dyes and pigments industries.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ' 06
Willi Jager, Wolfgang E. Nagel
- Springer
- 26 Juillet 2007
- 9783540361831
The last two years have been great for high performance computing in Baden- W¨ urttemberg and beyond. In July 2005, the new building for HLRS as well as Stuttgart's new NEC supercomputer - which is still leading edge in G- many - have been inaugurated. In these days, the SSC Karlsruhe is ?nalizing the installation of a very large high performance system complex from HP, built from hundreds of Intel Itanium processors and more than three th- sand AMD Opteron cores. Additionally, the fast network connection - with a bandwidth of 40Gbit/s and thus one of the ?rst installations of this kind in Germany - brings the machine rooms of HLRS and SSC Karlsruhe very close together. With the investment of more than 60 Million Euro, we - as the users of such a valuable infrastructure - are not only thankful to science managers and politicians, but also to the people running these components as part of their daily business, on a 24-7 level. Sinceabout18months,therearelotsofactivitiesonallscienti?c,advisory, and political levels to decide if Germany will install an even larger European supercomputer, where the hardware costs alone will be around 200 Million Euro for a ?ve year period. There are many good reasons to invest in such a program because - beyond the infrastructure - such a scienti?c research tool will attract the best brains to tackle the problems related to the software and methodology challenges.
As we enter the new millennium, combinatorial chemistry is providing significant impetus to new innovations in synthetic chemistry. Combinatorial chemistry has rapidly become the rising star among research methods, allowing scientists to efficiently test the feasibility of a multitude of new compounds.
The pursuit of new drugs is but one challenging field in which these combinatorial methods are particularly advantageous, helping researchers meet the modern-day demands of a highly competitive environment.
This book emphasises that modern combinatorial synthesis is possible not only in the solid phase, but also in solutions. Moreover, it discusses computer-assisted methods as well as the apparatus and instrumentation required for the combinatorial method. Successful and experienced researchers in the leading pharmaceutical companies and most renowned research institutes offer a solid insight and perspective into this diverse field.
A 'must' for every scientist in the area of pharmaceutical research -
Handbook of Space Technology
Wilfried Ley, Klaus Wittmann, Willi Hallmann
- Wiley
- 18 Mars 2009
- 9780470742419
Twenty years since the first edition was published in the German language, and just over fifty years since the launch of the Earth's first ever artificial satellite Sputnik 1, this third edition of the Handbook of Space Technology presents in fully integrated colour a detailed insight into the fascinating world of space for the first time in the English language. Authored by over 70 leading experts from universities, research institutions and the space industry, this comprehensive handbook describes the processes and methodologies behind the development, construction, operation and utilization of space systems, presenting the profound changes that have occurred in recent years in the engineering, materials, processes and even politics associated with space technologies and utilization. The individual chapters are self-contained, enabling the reader to gain a quick and reliable overview of a selected field; an extensive reference and keyword list helps those who wish to deepen their understanding of individual topics. Featuring superb, full colour illustrations and photography throughout, this interdisciplinary reference contains practical, hands-on engineering and planning information that will be invaluable to those on a career path within space technology, or simply for those of us who'd like to know more about this fascinating industry. Main section headings include: Introduction (historical overview, space missions) Fundamentals (orbital mechanics, aerothermodynamics/ reentry, space debris) Launch Vehicles (staged technologies, propulsion systems, launch infrastructure) Space Vehicle Subsystems (structure, energy supply, thermal controls, attitude control, communication) Aspects of Human Flight (man in space, life support systems, rendezvous and docking) Mission Operations (satellite operation, control center, ground station network) Utilization of Space (Earth observation, communication navigation, space astronomy, material sciences, space medicine, robotics) Configuration and Design of a Space Vehicle (mission concept, system concept, environmental simulation, system design, Galileo satellites) Management of Space Missions (project management, quality management, cost management, space law)
Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics
Willi Semmler, Gernot Tragler, Vladimir M. Veliov, Elke Moser
- Springer
- 8 Juillet 2014
- 9783642540868
The book presents new developments in the dynamic modeling and optimization methods in environmental economics and provides a huge range of applications dealing with the economics of natural resources, the impacts of climate change and of environmental pollution, and respective policy measures. The interrelationship between economic activities and environmental quality, the development of cleaner technologies, the switch from fossil to renewable resources and the proper use of policy instruments play an important role along the path towards a sustainable future. Biological, physical and economic processes are naturally involved in the subject, and postulate the main modelling, simulation and decision-making tools: the methods of dynamic optimization and dynamic games.
Wavelet Applications in Economics and Finance
Willi Semmler, Marco Gallegati
- Springer
- 4 Août 2014
- 9783319070612
This book deals with the application of wavelet and spectral methods for the analysis of nonlinear and dynamic processes in economics and finance. It reflects some of the latest developments in the area of wavelet methods applied to economics and finance. The topics include business cycle analysis, asset prices, financial econometrics, and forecasting. An introductory paper by James Ramsey, providing a personal retrospective of a decade's research on wavelet analysis, offers an excellent overview over the field.
Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage
Willi Jager, Hans Georg Bock, Michael J. Winckler
- Springer
- 22 Octobre 2012
- 9783642280214
The sheer computing power of modern information technology is changing the face of research not just in science, technology and mathematics, but in humanities and cultural studies too. Recent decades have seen a major shift both in attitudes and deployment of computers, which are now vital and highly effective tools in disciplines where they were once viewed as elaborate typewriters. This revealing volume details the vast array of computing applications that researchers in the humanities now have recourse to, including the dissemination of scholarly information through virtual `co-laboratories', data retrieval, and the modeling of complex processes that contribute to our natural and cultural heritage. One key area covered in this book is the versatility of computers in presenting images and graphics, which is transforming the analysis of data sets and archaeological reconstructions alike. The papers published here are grouped into three broad categories that cover mathematical and computational methods, research developments in information systems, and a detailed portrayal of ongoing work on documenting, restoring and presenting cultural monuments including the temples in Pompeii and the Banteay Chhmar temples of the Angkorian period in present-day Cambodia. Originally presented at a research workshop in Heidelberg, Germany, they reflect the rapidly developing identity of computational humanities as an interdisciplinary field in its own right, as well as demonstrating the breadth of perspectives in this young and vibrant research area.
The second, enlarged edition of this established reference integrates many new insights into wastewater hydraulics. This work serves as a reference for researchers but also is a basis for practicing engineers. It can be used as a text book for graduate students, although it has the characteristics of a reference book. It addresses mainly the sewer hydraulician but also general hydraulic engineers who have to tackle many a problem in daily life, and who will not always find an appropriate solution. Each chapter is introduced with a summary to outline the contents. To illustrate application of the theory, examples are presented to explain the computational procedures. Further, to relate present knowledge to the history of hydraulics, some key dates on noteworthy hydraulicians are quoted. A historical note on the development of wastewater hydraulics is also added. References are given at the end of each chapter, and they are often helpful starting points for further reading. Each notation is defined when introduced, and listed alphabetically at the end of each chapter. This new edition includes in particular sideweirs with throttling pipes, drop shafts with an account on the two-phase flow features, as well as conduit choking due to direct or undular hydraulic jumps.
Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics
Willi Semmler, Herbert Dawid
- Springer
- 23 Mars 2011
- 9783642169434
This volume is centered around the issue of market design and resulting market dynamics. The economic crisis of 2007-2009 has once again highlighted the importance of a proper design of market protocols and institutional details for economic dynamics and macroeconomics. Papers in this volume capture institutional details of particular markets, behavioral details of agents' decision making as well as spillovers between markets and effects to the macroeconomy. Computational methods are used to replicate and understand market dynamics emerging from interaction of heterogeneous agents, and to develop models that have predictive power for complex market dynamics. Finally treatments of overlapping generations models and differential games with heterogeneous actors are provided.
This book presents the theory and computation of open channel flows, using detailed analytical, numerical and experimental results. The fundamental equations of open channel flows are derived by means of a rigorous vertical integration of the RANS equations for turbulent flow. In turn, the hydrostatic pressure hypothesis, which forms the core of many shallow water hydraulic models, is scrutinized by analyzing its underlying assumptions. The book's main focus is on one-dimensional models, including detailed treatments of unsteady and steady flows. The use of modern shock capturing finite difference and finite volume methods is described in detail, and the quality of solutions is carefully assessed on the basis of analytical and experimental results.The book's unique features include:o Rigorous derivation of the hydrostatic-based shallow water hydraulic modelso Detailed treatment of steady open channel flows, including the computation of transcritical flow profileso General analysis of gate maneuvers as the solution of a Riemann problemo Presents modern shock capturing finite volume methods for the computation of unsteady free surface flowso Introduces readers to movable bed and sediment transport in shallow water modelso Includes numerical solutions of shallow water hydraulic models for non-hydrostatic steady and unsteady free surface flowsThis book is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate level students, given that the theory and numerical methods are progressively introduced starting with the basics. As supporting material, a collection of source codes written in Visual Basic and inserted as macros in Microsoft Excel® is available. The theory is implemented step-by-step in the codes, and the resulting programs are used throughout the book to produce the respective solutions.
Polnisches Deutsch - Deutsches Polnisch
Rahel Cerna-Willi
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 16 Avril 2012
- 9783035104011
In der oberschlesischen Stadt Teschen (heute: Cieszyn/Ceský Tesín) hat sich eine linguistisch äusserst wertvolle Quellensammlung erhalten: Rund 500 Hefte mit Klausuren aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, geschrieben von Schülern der lutherischen Jesusschule. Besonders interessant sind die Arbeiten aus dem Elementarunterricht in Form deutsch-polnischer Paralleltexte. Die Autorin legt eine detaillierte Übersetzungsanalyse dieser Texte vor und gibt Aufschluss über die Sprachgeschichte der Region Oberschlesien sowie den deutsch-polnischen Sprachkontakt allgemein. Sie untersucht lexikalische und syntaktische Strukturen und stellt die Frage, ob die Auffälligkeiten in den einzelnen Sprachversionen auf die Übersetzungssituation zurückzuführen sind oder auf die Sprachkontaktsituation allgemein. Die Ergebnisse der Übersetzungsanalyse werden durch Informationen zum soziohistorischen Kontext von Fremdsprachunterricht und Teschener Konfessionsgeschichte ergänzt. Durch zusammenfassende Darstellungen in Form von Listen und eines Registers eignet sich die Analyse auch als Nachschlagewerk. Die Autorin hat die Textsammlung umfassend fotografisch dokumentiert und erstmals ediert. Die Originalfotos sind der Publikation auf CD-Rom beigefügt. Die Übersetzungsanalysen der Paralleltexte stellen eine wertvolle Ergänzung bisheriger Arbeiten zum schlesischen Sprachkontakt dar.
An Invitation to Geomathematics
Willi Freeden, M. Zuhair Nashed, Clemens Heine
- Birkhäuser
- 17 Mai 2019
- 9783030130541
The authors introduce geomathematics as an active research area to a wider audience.
Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the Earth as a system to apply scientific methods. Emphasis is laid on transfers from virtual models to reality and vice versa.
In the second chapter geomathematics is introduced as a new scientific area which nevertheless has its roots in antiquity. The modern conception of geomathematics is outlined from different points of view and its challenging nature is described as well as its interdisciplinarity. Geomathematics is shown as the bridge between the real world and the virtual world. The complex mathematical tools are shown from a variety of fields necessary to tackle geoscientific problems in the mathematical language.
Chapter 3 contains some exemplary applications as novel exploration methods. Particular importance is laid on the change of language when it comes to translate measurements to mathematical models. New solution methods like the multiscale mollifier technique are presented. Further applications discussed are aspects of reflection seismics.
Chapter 4 is devoted to the short description of recent activities in geomathematics.
The Appendix (Chapter 5) is devoted to the GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics founded ten years ago. Besides a detailed structural analysis of the editorial goals an index of all papers published in former issues is given.