Wang Lee
Le Coréen pour les nuls
Wang Lee, Jungwook Hong, Vincent Grépinet, Rich Tennant
- Pour les nuls
- 2 Avril 2020
- 9782412058718
Apprenez le coréen facilement et rapidement !
Ce livre n'est pas un manuel ni une grammaire au sens classique du terme. Il s'agit d'un ouvrage de référence pour découvrir la langue coréenne, approfondir vos connaissances ou vous remettreà la pratique du coréen.Il vous accompagnera de façon utile et agréable et vous aidera à vous familiariser avec une langue parlée par plus de 80 millions de personnes en Corée. -
Korea erscheint uns Deutschen so fremd und unverständlich wie faszinierend - und das nicht erst seit K-Pop. Dieses Buch bietet Lesern eine grundlegende Einführung in die koreanische Sprache und Kultur: Angefangen beim Schriftsystem und der Aussprache über Grundlagen zu Grammatik und Vokabular bis hin zu einfachem Small Talk. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der praktischen Anwendbarkeit: Alle Lektionen werden direkt anhand von praktischen Situationen eingeübt. Ein Buch für alle, die ihre neuen Koreanisch-Kenntnisse von Anfang an in die Praxis umsetzen mchten.
Disinformation, Misinformation, and Fake News in Social Media
Huan Liu, Kai Shu, Suhang Wang, Dongwon Lee
- Springer
- 17 Juin 2020
- 9783030426996
This book serves as a convenient entry point for researchers, practitioners, and students to understand the problems and challenges, learn state-of-the-art solutions for their specific needs, and quickly identify new research problems in their domains. The contributors to this volume describe the recent advancements in three related parts: (1) user engagements in the dissemination of information disorder; (2) techniques on detecting and mitigating disinformation; and (3) trending issues such as ethics, blockchain, clickbaits, etc. This edited volume will appeal to students, researchers, and professionals working on disinformation, misinformation and fake news in social media from a unique lens.
Materials Characterisation and Mechanism of Micro-Cutting in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning
Sandy Suet To, Hao Wang, Wing Bing Lee
- Springer
- 23 Mai 2017
- 9783662548233
This book presents an in-depth study and elucidation on the mechanisms of the micro-cutting process, with particular emphasis and a novel viewpoint on materials characterization and its influences on ultra-precision machining. Ultra-precision single point diamond turning is a key technology in the manufacture of mechanical, optical and opto-electronics components with a surface roughness of a few nanometers and form accuracy in the sub-micrometric range. In the context of subtractive manufacturing, ultra-precision diamond turning is based on the pillars of materials science, machine tools, modeling and simulation technologies, etc., making the study of such machining processes intrinsically interdisciplinary. However, in contrast to the substantial advances that have been achieved in machine design, laser metrology and control systems, relatively little research has been conducted on the material behavior and its effects on surface finish, such as the material anisotropy of crystalline materials. The feature of the significantly reduced depth of cut on the order of a few micrometers or less, which is much smaller than the average grain size of work-piece materials, unavoidably means that conventional metal cutting theories can only be of limited value in the investigation of the mechanisms at work in micro-cutting processes in ultra-precision diamond turning.
Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis
Elisa T. Lee, John Wenyu Wang
- Wiley
- 23 Septembre 2013
- 9781118593059
Praise for the Third Edition ". . . an easy-to read introduction to survival analysis which covers the major concepts and techniques of the subject." -Statistics in Medical Research Updated and expanded to reflect the latest developments, Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis, Fourth Edition continues to deliver a comprehensive introduction to the most commonly-used methods for analyzing survival data. Authored by a uniquely well-qualified author team, the Fourth Edition is a critically acclaimed guide to statistical methods with applications in clinical trials, epidemiology, areas of business, and the social sciences. The book features many real-world examples to illustrate applications within these various fields, although special consideration is given to the study of survival data in biomedical sciences. Emphasizing the latest research and providing the most up-to-date information regarding software applications in the field, Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis, Fourth Edition also includes: Marginal and random effect models for analyzing correlated censored or uncensored data Multiple types of two-sample and K-sample comparison analysis Updated treatment of parametric methods for regression model fitting with a new focus on accelerated failure time models Expanded coverage of the Cox proportional hazards model Exercises at the end of each chapter to deepen knowledge of the presented material Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis is an ideal text for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses on survival data analysis. The book is also an excellent resource for biomedical investigators, statisticians, and epidemiologists, as well as researchers in every field in which the analysis of survival data plays a role.
Environmental Bioengineering
Lawrence K. Wang, Yung-Tse Hung, Joo-Hwa Tay, Stephen Tiong Lee Tay
- Humana Press
- 25 Juin 2010
- 9781603270311
The past 30 years have seen the emergence of a growing desire worldwide that positive actions be taken to restore and protect the environment from the degrading effects of all forms of pollution - air, water, soil, and noise. Since pollution is a direct or indirect consequence of waste production, the seemingly idealistic demand for "zero discharge" can be construed as an unrealistic demand for zero waste. However, as long as waste continues to exist, we can only attempt to abate the subsequent pollution by converting it to a less noxious form. Three major questions usually arise when a particular type of pollution has been identi ed: (1) How serious is the pollution? (2) Is the technology to abate it available? and (3) Do the costs of abatement justify the degree of abatement achieved? This book is one of the volumes of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series. The principal intention of this series is to help readers formulate answers to the above three questions. The traditional approach of applying tried-and-true solutions to speci c pollution problems has been a major contributing factor to the success of environmental engineering, and has accounted in large measure for the establishment of a "methodology of pollution control. " However, the realization of the ever-increasing complexity and interrelated nature of current environmental problems renders it imperative that intelligent planning of pollution abatement systems be undertaken.
Contemporary Logistics in China
Zhi-Lun Jiao, Shao-Ju Lee, Ling Wang, Bing-Lian Liu
- Springer
- 19 Avril 2017
- 9789811041785
This book is the seventh volume in a series entitled "Contemporary Logistics in China," authored by researchers from the Logistics Center at Nankai University. In the spirit of the six preceding annual volumes, this book carries on the ideal of providing a systematic exposition on the logistics development in China for the English-speaking community at large. Specially, this volume captures China's logistics development at a crucial turning point. On the one hand, it reflects the new horizon advocated by the Government's One-Belt-One-Road Initiative global cooperation strategy; on the other, it explores the Internet revolution, which has had major impacts on e-commerce and urban logistics in China. Subjects covered in this volume encompass the macro-factors pertaining to logistics development, region-specific plans, industry-wide transformation, globally-oriented moves, and current hot topics. The expositions on and analyses of these subjects are based on thelatest available sources and statistical data. As with the previous volumes, the ultimate aim of this book is to present a timely portrait of the rapid growth of China's logistics market and the status quo of its logistics industry. In so doing, the book offers an in-depth analysis of critical issues involved in the ongoing dynamic and multi-faceted development, and provides a valuable reference resource for interested readers in the academic and professional fields.
This book presents the scientific evidence for the role of vitamin C in health and disease and offers new guidance on vitamin C intake in humans. The importance of vitamin C in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease, its relevance to aging and stress, and its impacts on each of the human body systems are thoroughly assessed on the basis of the author's extensive research and his deep understanding, as an anatomy professor, of the body as a whole. Findings published in the international scientific literature are fully taken into account, and due consideration is also given to empirical evidence, bearing in mind that mechanisms of action cannot always be precisely defined in the absence of human experiments. Beyond providing an up-to-date scientific perspective on the effects of vitamin C, the author hopes to promote human health worldwide by encouraging proper use of the vitamin. To this end, recommendations are made on the amount of vitamin C that should be taken dailyand on the best way to take it. The book will be of interest to researchers, clinicians, and all others who wish to learn more about this vitamin and its significance.
Digital Health Care in Taiwan
P.-C. Lee, Joyce Tsung-Hsi Wang, Tzu-Yu Chen, Chia-Hui Peng
- Springer
- 13 Août 2022
- 9783031051609
This open access book introduces the National Health Insurance (NHI) system of Taiwan with a particular emphasis on its application of digital technology to improve healthcare access and quality. The authors explicate how Taiwan integrates its strong Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry with 5G to construct an information system that facilitates medical information exchange, collects data for planning and research, refines medical claims review procedures and even assists in fighting COVID-19.
Taiwan's NHI, launched in 1995, is a single-payer system funded primarily through payroll-based premiums. It covers all citizens and foreign residents with the same comprehensive benefits without the long waiting times seen in other single-payer systems. Though premium rate adjustment and various reforms were carried out in 2010, the NHI finds itself at a crossroads over its financial stability. With the advancement of technologies and an aging population, it faces challenges of expanding coverage to newly developed treatments and diagnosis methods and applying the latest innovations to deliver telemedicine and more patient-centered services. The NHI, like the national health systems of other countries, also needs to address the privacy concerns of the personal health data it collects and the issues regarding opening this data for research or commercial use.
In this book, the 12 chapters cover the history, characteristics, current status, innovations and future reform plans of the NHI in the digital era. Topics explored include:Income Strategy Payment StructurePursuing Health EquityInfrastructure of the Medical Information SystemInnovative Applications of the Medical InformationApplications of Big Data and Artificial IntelligenceDigital Health Care in Taiwan is essential reading for academicresearchers and students in healthcare administration, health policy, health systems research, and health services delivery, as well as policymakers and public officials in relevant government departments. It also would appeal to academics, practitioners, and other professionals in public health, health sciences, social welfare, and health and biotechnology law. -
Choosing the Correct Radiologic Test
Gary X. Wang, Mark A. Anderson, Lauren Uzdienski, Susanna I. Lee
- Springer
- 6 Mai 2021
- 9783030651855
This book will enable practicing physicians and trainees to learn, in a clinically relevant and intellectually stimulating way, guidelines for appropriate ordering of imaging exams. The new edition provides more than 460 clinical case scenarios, organized into subspecialty modules (breast, cardiac, thoracic, gastrointestinal, urologic, women's, pediatric, vascular, musculoskeletal, and neurologic imaging). Each scenario is presented as a quiz in which the reader is invited to select the best option from various imaging modalities. All choices are given ratings of appropriateness and is consistent with the American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria. Furthermore, a brief solution to each case is included. Finally, over 500 radiologic images are included each associated with a clinical case to illustrate the diagnostic capabilities of the imaging exam. This second edition incorporates new content and revisions to remain consistent with the updated ACR AppropriatenessCriteria since the original publication in 2012. It will be an ideal tool both for self-study and for quantitative evaluation of students' knowledge.
Proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2023)
Bootheina Majoul, Elisabetta Marino, Yixiang Wang, Hsuan Lee
- Atlantis Press
- 29 Décembre 2023
- 9782384761708
This is an open access book. The 5th International Conference on Literature, Art and Human Development (ICLAHD 2023) was held on October 20-22, 2023 in Chengdu, China. Literature is an art that reflects the social life and expresses the author's thoughts and feelings by shaping images with language as the means. Art is a social ideology that uses images to reflect reality but is more typical than reality. It includes literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, music and so on. Literature is one of the forms of expression belonging to art. Literature and art are difficult to separate by a clear boundary, but also for people to create more infinite imagination space. ICLAHD 2023 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Literature, Art and Human Development research to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Literature, Art and Human Development research and another goal is topromote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Literature, Art and Human Development research and related areas.
Population chinoise (la) - mythes et realites
- Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal
- Sociétés et cultures de l'Asie
- 26 Mai 2011
- 9782760624634
Pauvreté généralisée causée par la surpopulation, familles nombreuses et nécessiteuses, croissance démographique irrépressible, absence, avant les politiques de Mao, de tout contrôle des naissances... les pré ju gés au sujet de la Chine ont la vie dure. Ce livre, d'entrée de jeu, attaque les idées reçues sur la population chinoise, idées pour la plupart héritées des vieilles thèses malthusiennes datant du début du XIXe siècle.
Surpeuplement, misère, fécondité, mariage... tout est ici remis en question. Les auteurs abordent le phénomène de la popula tion chinoise sur plusieurs fronts, réussissant ainsi à en don ner une vision globale. Ils mettent dans une nouvelle lumière l'explosion démographique des années 1960-1975, où la population passa de 600 millions à près de 850 millions, puis les débuts du contrôle des naissances jusqu'à la politique de l'enfant unique en vigueur depuis 1985. Ils renouvellent ainsi notre com préhension non seulement de la démographie de la Chine, mais aussi de son histoire, de sa société et de son économie.Et comprendre la Chine aujourd'hui, c'est mieux comprendre le monde que nous habitons.
James Z. Lee est professeur d'histoire et de sociologie à la Uni ver sity of Michigan.
Wang Feng est professeur au Département de sociologie de la University of California, Irvine. Z.
Traduit de l'anglais par Charles Le Blanc -
Contemporary Logistics in China
Xiang Li, Shao-Ju Lee, Ling Wang, Bing-Lian Liu
- Springer
- 29 Juin 2019
- 9789811378164
This book is the ninth volume in "Contemporary Logistics in China", authored by the researchers in Logistics Research Center at Nankai University. In the spirit of the eight preceding annual volumes, this book carries on the ideal of providing a systematic exposition on the logistics development in China for the English-speaking community at large. Specially, this volume captures China's logistics development at a crucial turning point.
This present report consists of nine chapters, organized into three sections. The introductory section, consisting of two chapters, depicts the current development status of the China's logistics market and the logistics facilities and technology. The second section addresses the characteristics of logistics industries in China including the transportation logistics, the manufacturing logistics, the commerce logistics, and the agricultural products logistics. The final section, consisting of three chapters, discusses some hot logistics topics in China. Chapter 7 describes the emerging service models and innovation of China's highway freight platforms. The next chapter deals with the development and innovation of the Belt and Road cross-border logistics service system. The last chapter presents China's Logistics development and prospect under the context of sharing economy.
As with the previous eight volumes, the ultimate aim of this book is to present a timely portrayal of the rapid pace of growth of China's logistics market and the status of its logistics industry's evolution. In so doing, the book offers an in-depth analysis of critical issues involved in the ongoing dynamic and multi-faceted development, and provides a valuable reference resource for interested readers in the academic and professional fields.
Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative
Guiguo Wang, Yuk-Lun Lee, Mei-Fun Leung
- Springer
- 23 Janvier 2020
- 9789811519758
This book examines resolution of the disputes between both sides of Belt and Road economic cooperation. To address the problems surrounding legal guarantee and dispute resolution, the International Academy of the Belt and Road has gathered almost 50 experts from over 30 Belt and Road countries and regions to utilize current advances in the dispute resolution mechanism, taking into account the legal systems, legal environment and historical and cultural characteristics of Belt and Road countries and regions. The dispute resolution mechanism presented advocates giving priority to mediation when a dispute arises-arbitration is necessary only when mediation is ineffective. In addition, arbitration should be highly transparent, show respect to both contracting parties, and be equipped with an appeal system. This hands-on book offers detailed explanations of mediation rules, arbitration rules and appeal procedures. On the one hand, this mechanism embodies the integrationof the cultures, traditions, legal systems, legal values and legal thoughts of Belt and Road countries and regions. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of mediation, which not only is the idea of oriental culture carrying forward traditional Chinese culture, but also follows the trend of dispute resolution. As a result, the dispute resolution mechanism established in this book is beneficial to the development of the Belt and Road Initiative.
This book introduces the working principle, materials, and design of seawater batteries and reviews the current state-of-the-art technologies in cells and modules.
This book looks at the characteristics of seawater, then reviews the basic electrochemical processes involved in the storage of electrical charge in seawater batteries, and then discusses the development of anode, cathode, and membrane materials, and cell engineering progress. In particular, Chapter 3 contains the latest research and development results for rechargeable seawater batteries. The book has been written for a broad readership including graduate students, academic and industrial researchers working on sustainable, low-cost energy.