Philippe Huneman
Les sociétés du profilage : évaluer, prédire, contrôler
Philippe Huneman
- Éditions Payot
- Philosophie
- 18 Janvier 2023
- 9782228932783
Vous êtes connu, on vous connaît, et on va vous traiter bien. De façon personnalisée, mieux même que tous les autres. On construira autour de vous tout un monde qui vous va bien, un monde pour lequel vous êtes parfaitement profilé, ou inversement. Aimer telle musique, utiliser tel mode de transport, avoir tel type d'amis ou d'ancêtres, etc., autant de traces que vous laissez, le plus souvent fournies par vous-mêmes, mais parfois aussi à votre insu. En croisant ces données avec celles d'individus similaires, des profils sont établis par lesquels des prédictions relatives à vos décisions et vos actions deviennent possibles et accessibles à des firmes, des gouvernements ou des partis. On sait ainsi prévoir où vous allez, ce que vous achèterez, comment vous réagirez. Mais surtout vous orienter dans vos choix, vous optimiser. Bienvenue dans les sociétés du profilage !
Pourquoi ? une question pour découvrir le monde
Philippe Huneman
- Autrement
- Les grands mots
- 8 Janvier 2020
- 9782746755420
Pourquoi le meurtrier a-t-il été reconnu coupable ?
Pourquoi les tricératops ont-ils des cornes ?
Pourquoi la météorite s'est-elle écrasée sur ma maison et non sur celle de mon voisin ?
Pour comprendre ce qui nous entoure - un événement, un fait, une action, une chose... -, nous disposons de mots interrogatifs : où ? quand ? comment ? pourquoi ? De tous, « pourquoi » est peut-être le plus mystérieux.
Affaires judiciaires, découvertes scientifiques, questionnements historiques ou interrogations métaphysiques..., nous posons constamment la question du « pourquoi », sans que ce soit toujours la même.
Du plus trivial au plus vertigineux, Philippe Huneman explore en philosophe la reine des questions et démêle les fils de notre insatiable curiosité. -
Bichat : la vie et la mort
Philippe Huneman
- Presses universitaires de France (réédition numérique FeniXX)
- Philosophies
- 11 Septembre 2015
- 9782130682745
L'investigation épistémologique vise ici à comprendre pourquoi la considération de la mort est au coeur de l'appréhension scientifique du vivant. Elle invite à penser comment les élaborations théoriques de Bichat, décisives pour la médecine, ont aussi constitué un enjeu pour les philosophies soucieuses d'interroger le phénomène de la vie (Comte, Schopenhauer, Freud...). « Copyright Electre »
This book addresses several key issues in the biological study of death with the intent of capturing their genealogy, the assumptions and presuppositions they make, and the way that they open specific new research avenues. The book is divided into two sections: the first considers physiology and the second evolutionary biology. In the first part, Huneman reconstructs a conceptual genealogy of experimental physiology based on an in-depth analysis of Bichat's investigations of death processes. In the second part he explains that biologists in the late 1950s put forth a research framework that evolutionarily accounts for death in terms of either an effect of the weakness of natural selection or a by-product of natural selection for early reproduction. He illustrates how the biology of death is a central field and that studying it provides insight into the way that the epistemic structure of this knowledge has been constituted, persists until now, and may conflict with some traditional philosophical ideas.
This volume handles in various perspectives the concept of function and the nature of functional explanations, topics much discussed since two major and conflicting accounts have been raised by Larry Wright and Robert Cummins' papers in the 1970s. Here, both Wright's `etiological theory of functions' and Cummins' `systemic' conception of functions are refined and elaborated in the light of current scientific practice, with papers showing how the `etiological' theory faces several objections and may in reply be revisited, while its counterpart became ever more sophisticated, as researchers discovered fresh applications for it. Relying on a firm knowledge of the original positions and debates, this volume presents cutting-edge research evincing the complexities that today pertain in function theory in various sciences. Alongside original papers from authors central to the controversy, work by emerging researchers taking novel perspectives will add to the potential avenues tobe followed in the future. Not only does the book adopt no a priori assumptions about the scope of functional explanations, it also incorporates material from several very different scientific domains, e.g. neurosciences, ecology, or technology. In general, functions are implemented in mechanisms; and functional explanations in biology have often an essential relation with natural selection. These two basic claims set the stage for this book's coverage of investigations concerning both `functional' explanations, and the `metaphysics' of functions. It casts new light on these claims, by testing them through their confrontation with scientific developments in biology, psychology, and recent developments concerning the metaphysics of realization. Rather than debating a single theory of functions, this book presents the richness of philosophical issues raised by functional discourse throughout the various sciences.?
Temps de la nature, nature du temps
Christophe Bouton, Philippe Huneman
- CNRS Editions
- Philosophie/Religion/Histoire des idées
- 25 Octobre 2018
- 9782271122841
Temps de la nature et nature du temps
Dans l'histoire de la philosophie, la question du temps a été abordée selon deux tendances opposées : le temps de la nature avec Aristote et le temps de la conscience avec Augustin. Ces deux formes irréductibles l'une à l'autre ont vu leur relation se complexifier, notamment avec la théorie de la relativité au début du XXe siècle, puis la mécanique quantique, qui ont bousculé notre perception et compréhension du temps.
Cet ouvrage, écrit par des scientifiques et des philosophes, se concentre plus particulièrement sur le concept de " temps naturel ", examiné à la lumière de ses utilisations en sciences, qui semblent remettre en cause son unité. Physique, biologie, sciences cognitives, paléontologie, philosophie sont ici convoquées, chacune de ces disciplines disposant d'instruments spécifiques de mesure et de définition d'échelles de temps.
Que nous apprennent-elles sur la " nature du temps ", sur ses propriétés comme la continuité ou l'irréversibilité ? Quel statut doit-on donner aux différences entre les échelles utilisées pour observer les phénomènes ? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions abordées dans ce livre, nouvelle incursion dans les mystères du temps. -
Time of Nature and the Nature of Time
Philippe Huneman, Christophe Bouton
- Springer
- 30 Mai 2017
- 9783319537252
This volume addresses the question of time from the perspective of the time of nature. Its aim is to provide some insights about the nature of time on the basis of the different uses of the concept of time in natural sciences. Presenting a dialogue between philosophy and science, it features a collection of papers that investigate the representation, modeling and understanding of time as they appear in physics, biology, geology and paleontology. It asks questions such as: whether or not the notions of time in the various sciences are reducible to the same physical time, what status should be given to timescale differences, or what are the specific epistemic issues raised by past facts in natural sciences.
The book first explores the experience of time and its relation to time in nature in a set of chapters that bring together what human experience and physics enable metaphysicians, logicians and scientists to say about time. Next, it studies time in physics, including some puzzling paradoxes about time raised by the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The volume then goes on to examine the distinctive problems and conceptions of time in the life sciences. It explores the concept of deep time in paleontology and geology, time in the epistemology of evolutionary biology, and time in developmental biology. Each scientific discipline features a specific approach to time and uses distinctive methodologies for implementing time in its models. This volume seeks to define a common language to conceive of the distinct ways different scientific disciplines view time. In the process, it offers a new approach to the issue of time that will appeal to a wide range of readers: philosophers and historians of science, metaphysicians and natural scientists - be they scholars, advanced students or readers from an educated general audience. -
Classification, Disease and Evidence
Gerard Lambert, Marc Silberstein, Philippe Huneman
- Springer
- 15 Octobre 2014
- 9789401788878
This anthology of essays presents a sample of studies from recent philosophy of medicine addressing issues which attempt to answer very general (interdependent) questions: (a) what is a disease and what is health? (b) How do we (causally) explain diseases? (c) And how do we distinguish diseases, i.e. define classes of diseases and recognize that an instance X of disease belongs to a given class B? (d) How do we assess and choose cure/ therapy?The book is divided into three sections: classification, disease and evidence. In general, attention is focused on statistics in medicine and epidemiology, issues in psychiatry and connecting medicine with evolutionary biology and genetics. Many authors position the theories that they address within their historical contexts.The nature of health and disease will be addressed in several essays that also touch upon very general questions about the definition of medicine and its status. Several chapters scrutinize classification because of its centrality within philosophical problems raised by medicine and its core position in the philosophical questioning of psychiatry. Specificities of medical explanation have recently come under a new light, particularly because of the rise of statistical methods and several chapters investigate these methods in specific contexts such as epidemiology or meta-analysis of random testing. Taken together this collection addresses the question of how we gather, use and assess evidence for various medical theories.The rich assortment of disciplines featured also includes epidemiology, parasitology and public health, while technical aspects such as the application of game theory to medical research and the misuse of the DSM in forensic psychiatry are also given an airing. The book addresses more than the construction of medical knowledge, however, adding cogent appraisal of the processes of decision making in medicine and the protocols used to justify therapeutic choices.
Handbook of Evolutionary Thinking in the Sciences
Marc Silberstein, Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Lecointre
- Springer
- 23 Novembre 2014
- 9789401790147
The Darwinian theory of evolution is itself evolving and this book presents the details of the core of modern Darwinism and its latest developmental directions. The authors present current scientific work addressing theoretical problems and challenges in four sections, beginning with the concepts of evolution theory, its processes of variation, heredity, selection, adaptation and function, and its patterns of character, species, descent and life. The second part of this book scrutinizes Darwinism in the philosophy of science and its usefulness in understanding ecosystems, whilst the third section deals with its application in disciplines beyond the biological sciences, including evolutionary psychology and evolutionary economics, Darwinian morality and phylolinguistics. The final section addresses anti-Darwinism, the creationist view and issues around teaching evolution in secondary schools. The reader learns how current experimental biology is opening important perspectives on the sources of variation, and thus of the very power of natural selection. This work examines numerous examples of the extension of the principle of natural selection and provides the opportunity to critically reflect on a rich theory, on the methodological rigour that presides in its extensions and exportations, and on the necessity to measure its advantages and also its limits. Scholars interested in modern Darwinism and scientific research, its concepts, research programs and controversies will find this book an excellent read, and those considering how Darwinism might evolve, how it can apply to the human sciences and other disciplines beyond its origins will find it particularly valuable.Originally produced in French (Les Mondes Darwiniens), the scope and usefulness of the book have led to the production of this English text, to reach a wider audience.This book is a milestone in the impressive penetration by Francophone scholars into the world of Darwinian science, its historiography and philosophy over the last two decades.Alex Rosenberg, R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy, Duke University Until now this useful and comprehensive handbook has only been available to francophones. Thanks to this invaluable new translation, this collection of insightful and original essays can reach the global audience it deserves.Tim Lewens, University of Cambridge
Philosophie, histoire, biologie ; mélanges offerts à Jean Gayon
Francesca Merlin, Philippe Huneman, Collectif
- Editions Matériologiques
- 22 Mai 2018
- 9782373611458
Le philosophe et historien des sciences Jean Gayon (1949-2018) est une figure éminente de ces deux disciplines. Son champ d'étude privilégié?: la biologie, plus particulièrement la biologie de l'évolution. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, il a formé de nombreux chercheurs, no¬tamment en encadrant des thèses souvent novatrices, et lancé une multitude d'initiatives de recherche qui ont permis à la philosophie de la biologie de prendre un essor sans pareil en France, grâce à des liens privilégiés avec les figures marquantes du domaine, oeuvrant à l'époque aux États-Unis et en Angleterre.
Les textes rassemblés ici rendent hommage à l'homme, à l'enseignant et au penseur qui a largement impulsé le renouveau de la philosophie de la biologie, par ses réflexions déterminantes sur la théorie de l'évolution, la génétique, le hasard, etc., objets et concepts repensés conjointement à la lumière de l'approche classique de l'«?épistémologie historique?» et de celle fondée sur la philosophie analytique. Collègues, élèves et amis, réunis lors de journées d'hommage en mars?2017 dont ce livre est issu, montrent à quel point Jean Gayon est un pilier essentiel de la nouvelle philosophie des sciences. Au fil de 26 chapitres, répartis en quatre parties («?Épistémologie historique et philosophe de la biologie?», «?Histoire de la génétique?», «?Études d'histoire et de philosophie de la biologie évolutive?: thèmes de Jean Gayon?», «?Regards sur Jean Gayon, historien et philosophe, enseignant et chercheur?»), ce livre témoigne de la présence et de la nécessaire postérité de l'oeuvre de Jean Gayon.
Sous la direction de?: Francesca Merlin, philosophe des sciences, chargée de recherche, Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques, CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Philippe Huneman, philosophe des sciences, directeur de recherche, Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques, CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Avec les contributions de?: Robert Brandon, Anastasios Brenner, Richard M. Burian, Gérard Chazal, Christine Clavien, David Depew, François Duchesneau, Anne Fagot-Largeault, Denis Forest, Élodie Giroux, Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Thierry Hoquet, Philippe Huneman, Denis Kambouchner, Laurent Loison, Françoise Longy, Jorge Martínez-Contreras, Francesca Merlin, Pierre-Olivier Méthot, Michel Morange, Thomas Pradeu, Armand de Ricqlès, Michael Ruse, Phillip Sloan, Edna Suárez Díaz, Stéphane Tirard, Michel Veuille.