Daniel Larose
9 produits trouvés
Disciple de Platon, précepteur d'Alexandre le Grand, Aristote intimide. Il est de ces penseurs qui nous rappellent que nous ne sommes que des « nains sur les épaules de géants ». Physique, métaphysique, biologie, zoologie, éthique, logique, rhétorique, politique, poétique... À croire qu'aucun domaine du savoir ne lui est resté étranger. De fait, à ses yeux, la philosophie est la connaissance des connaissances. Difficile donc de prendre pied dans cette oeuvre foisonnante qui est pourtant une référence obligée pour quiconque veut s'initier à la philosophie ou mettre à l'épreuve sa pensée. Pour s'y retrouver, Daniel Larose a retenu dans cet abécédaire une centaine de mots caractéristiques du vocabulaire aristotélicien, suivis de l'explication qu'en propose Aristote lui-même dans ses traités. Une bonne manière d'explorer une pensée qui choquera parfois notre sensibilité contemporaine, mais qui ne cessera de stimuler notre réflexion. Acte, cause finale, catégories, forme, matière, puissance, substance, syllogisme... « À la lettre » : une collection pour revisiter ses classiques « dans le texte »
Parce qu'il a donné au mot philosophia le sens que nous lui connaissons, Platon est peut-être le premier des philosophes. En promouvant cet «?amour de la sagesse?», il espérait que les affaires de la cité soient confiées à des penseurs qui, dans la lignée de son maître Socrate, donneraient à la politique une finalité morale. Le beau, le bien, le juste, le vrai?: tel est l'idéal qu'il nous a légué. Mais avons-nous lu Platon?? Dans cet abécédaire, Daniel Larose a retenu une centaine de mots caractéristiques du vocabulaire platonicien, suivis de la définition qu'en propose Platon lui-même dans ses dialogues. Or, plus que des acceptions closes, ce qui nous est donné à lire ici, c'est surtout un réseau de sens. Une bonne manière de faire connaissance (ou de reprendre le contact) avec un penseur-phare qui, malgré les milliers d'années qui nous séparent de lui, n'a rien perdu de son universalité. Atlantide, dialectique, forme intelligible, imitateur, maïeutique, réminiscence... «?À la lettre?»?: une collection pour revisiter ses classiques «?dans le texte?»
Learn methods of data analysis and their application to real-world data sets This updated second edition serves as an introduction to data mining methods and models, including association rules, clustering, neural networks, logistic regression, and multivariate analysis. The authors apply a unified "white box" approach to data mining methods and models. This approach is designed to walk readers through the operations and nuances of the various methods, using small data sets, so readers can gain an insight into the inner workings of the method under review. Chapters provide readers with hands-on analysis problems, representing an opportunity for readers to apply their newly-acquired data mining expertise to solving real problems using large, real-world data sets. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: Offers comprehensive coverage of association rules, clustering, neural networks, logistic regression, multivariate analysis, and R statistical programming language Features over 750 chapter exercises, allowing readers to assess their understanding of the new material Provides a detailed case study that brings together the lessons learned in the book Includes access to the companion website, www.dataminingconsultant, with exclusive password-protected instructor content Data Mining and Predictive Analytics will appeal to computer science and statistic students, as well as students in MBA programs, and chief executives.
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
Daniel T. Larose, Chantal D. Larose
- Wiley
- 19 Février 2015
- 9781118868706
Learn methods of data analysis and their application to real-world data sets This updated second edition serves as an introduction to data mining methods and models, including association rules, clustering, neural networks, logistic regression, and multivariate analysis. The authors apply a unified "white box" approach to data mining methods and models. This approach is designed to walk readers through the operations and nuances of the various methods, using small data sets, so readers can gain an insight into the inner workings of the method under review. Chapters provide readers with hands-on analysis problems, representing an opportunity for readers to apply their newly-acquired data mining expertise to solving real problems using large, real-world data sets. Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: Offers comprehensive coverage of association rules, clustering, neural networks, logistic regression, multivariate analysis, and R statistical programming language Features over 750 chapter exercises, allowing readers to assess their understanding of the new material Provides a detailed case study that brings together the lessons learned in the book Includes access to the companion website, www.dataminingconsultant, with exclusive password-protected instructor content Data Mining and Predictive Analytics will appeal to computer science and statistic students, as well as students in MBA programs, and chief executives.
The field of data mining lies at the confluence of predictive analytics, statistical analysis, and business intelligence. Due to the ever-increasing complexity and size of data sets and the wide range of applications in computer science, business, and health care, the process of discovering knowledge in data is more relevant than ever before. This book provides the tools needed to thrive in today's big data world. The author demonstrates how to leverage a company's existing databases to increase profits and market share, and carefully explains the most current data science methods and techniques. The reader will "learn data mining by doing data mining". By adding chapters on data modelling preparation, imputation of missing data, and multivariate statistical analysis, Discovering Knowledge in Data, Second Edition remains the eminent reference on data mining.
The second edition of a highly praised, successful reference on data mining, with thorough coverage of big data applications, predictive analytics, and statistical analysis. Includes new chapters on Multivariate Statistics, Preparing to Model the Data, and Imputation of Missing Data, and an Appendix on Data Summarization and Visualization Offers extensive coverage of the R statistical programming language Contains 280 end-of-chapter exercises Includes a companion website for university instructors who adopt the book -
The field of data mining lies at the confluence of predictive analytics, statistical analysis, and business intelligence. Due to the ever-increasing complexity and size of data sets and the wide range of applications in computer science, business, and health care, the process of discovering knowledge in data is more relevant than ever before. This book provides the tools needed to thrive in today's big data world. The author demonstrates how to leverage a company's existing databases to increase profits and market share, and carefully explains the most current data science methods and techniques. The reader will "learn data mining by doing data mining". By adding chapters on data modelling preparation, imputation of missing data, and multivariate statistical analysis, Discovering Knowledge in Data, Second Edition remains the eminent reference on data mining.
The second edition of a highly praised, successful reference on data mining, with thorough coverage of big data applications, predictive analytics, and statistical analysis. Includes new chapters on Multivariate Statistics, Preparing to Model the Data, and Imputation of Missing Data, and an Appendix on Data Summarization and Visualization Offers extensive coverage of the R statistical programming language Contains 280 end-of-chapter exercises Includes a companion website for university instructors who adopt the book -
This book introduces the reader to methods of data mining on the web, including uncovering patterns in web content (classification, clustering, language processing), structure (graphs, hubs, metrics), and usage (modeling, sequence analysis, performance).
Data Science Using Python and R
Daniel t. Larose, Chantal d. Larose
- Wiley
- 21 Mars 2019
- 9781119526834
Learn data science by doing data science! Data Science Using Python and R will get you plugged into the world's two most widespread open-source platforms for data science: Python and R. Data science is hot. Bloomberg called data scientist "the hottest job in America." Python and R are the top two open-source data science tools in the world. In Data Science Using Python and R, you will learn step-by-step how to produce hands-on solutions to real-world business problems, using state-of-the-art techniques. Data Science Using Python and R is written for the general reader with no previous analytics or programming experience. An entire chapter is dedicated to learning the basics of Python and R. Then, each chapter presents step-by-step instructions and walkthroughs for solving data science problems using Python and R. Those with analytics experience will appreciate having a one-stop shop for learning how to do data science using Python and R. Topics covered include data preparation, exploratory data analysis, preparing to model the data, decision trees, model evaluation, misclassification costs, naïve Bayes classification, neural networks, clustering, regression modeling, dimension reduction, and association rules mining. Further, exciting new topics such as random forests and general linear models are also included. The book emphasizes data-driven error costs to enhance profitability, which avoids the common pitfalls that may cost a company millions of dollars. Data Science Using Python and R provides exercises at the end of every chapter, totaling over 500 exercises in the book. Readers will therefore have plenty of opportunity to test their newfound data science skills and expertise. In the Hands-on Analysis exercises, readers are challenged to solve interesting business problems using real-world data sets.
Data Science Using Python and R
Daniel T. Larose, Chantal D. Larose
- Wiley
- 21 Mars 2019
- 9781119526841
Learn data science by doing data science! Data Science Using Python and R will get you plugged into the world's two most widespread open-source platforms for data science: Python and R. Data science is hot. Bloomberg called data scientist "the hottest job in America." Python and R are the top two open-source data science tools in the world. In Data Science Using Python and R, you will learn step-by-step how to produce hands-on solutions to real-world business problems, using state-of-the-art techniques. Data Science Using Python and R is written for the general reader with no previous analytics or programming experience. An entire chapter is dedicated to learning the basics of Python and R. Then, each chapter presents step-by-step instructions and walkthroughs for solving data science problems using Python and R. Those with analytics experience will appreciate having a one-stop shop for learning how to do data science using Python and R. Topics covered include data preparation, exploratory data analysis, preparing to model the data, decision trees, model evaluation, misclassification costs, naïve Bayes classification, neural networks, clustering, regression modeling, dimension reduction, and association rules mining. Further, exciting new topics such as random forests and general linear models are also included. The book emphasizes data-driven error costs to enhance profitability, which avoids the common pitfalls that may cost a company millions of dollars. Data Science Using Python and R provides exercises at the end of every chapter, totaling over 500 exercises in the book. Readers will therefore have plenty of opportunity to test their newfound data science skills and expertise. In the Hands-on Analysis exercises, readers are challenged to solve interesting business problems using real-world data sets.